Laa mie, & welcome
The Manx NFU works to create a strong agricultural economy on the Isle of Man for our members and to provide a reliable, sustainable and secure food supply for the Manx people. We represent farmers from the majority of farm businesses on the Island.
Please find a selection of our Featured News items below – For all our latest news posts please visit our News & Blog page.
News Release – be safe around livestock|
Social distancing walkers are increasingly looking for new routes and ‘safer’ places to walk, this means they are not following public rights of way by going off piste and rambling across farmland.
Manx NFU’ Meat and Livestock Chairman, Danny Creer warns how dangerous this can be.
Please do not enter ...
To continue reading Socially distancing walkers putting themselves at risk please click here

Please keep dogs on a lead when walking in the countryside near livestock.
The campaign seeks to highlight the impact of livestock worrying, ensuring that dog owners who live in or walk their dogs in the countryside act responsibly and keep their dogs under close control.
The worrying of livestock can have devastating consequences for farm animals and for farmers and their ...
To continue reading Livestock worrying spring 2021 please click here
Your Manx NFU have been reviewing Government advice and the affairs of industry in our neighbouring jurisdictions to try and ascertain what is the best advice to be offering to our members and the wider agricultural sector, we have sent this email to everyone on our mailing list and we would encourage you to forward this to anyone that may be affected ...
To continue reading March 2021 lockdown advice for agricultural and rural members please click here

Self-isolation may help keep you physically well but mental wellbeing is important and a prolonged period of isolation can have a detrimental effect on mental health.
Here are some ideas to help you deal with self-isolation and help keep you mentally well: Eat healthily and avoid constant snacking on sugary and salty snacks.
Exercise regularly and wherever possible get outside for some fresh air even if it has to be ...To continue reading Tips for your mental health during lockdown number 3, March 2021 please click here

Self-isolation may help keep you physically well but mental wellbeing is important and a prolonged period of isolation can have a detrimental effect on mental health.
Here are some ideas to help you deal with self-isolation and help keep you mentally well:
Eat healthily and avoid constant snacking on sugary and salty snacks. Exercise regularly and wherever possible get outside for some fresh air even if it has to be ...To continue reading Guide to mental wellbeing during January 2021 lockdown please click here

Any recreational shooting isn’t an essential activity, and therefore isn’t permitted under government guidelines.
However, the shooting of certain wild birds for the protection of food crops or livestock under the terms of a General Licence are permissible. Also, using a contractor to carry out pest management should be acceptable, as the contractor isn’t able to do their job at home. They should abide by social distancing rules ...
To continue reading pest management – shooting – under March 2021 covid rules please click here

Large printable version , just click on it to open it up in print mode.
The Manx NFU is working with our members’ concerns over public rights of way through farm businesses in light of social distancing measures with unlimited exercise imposed as a result of COVID-19. To help our farmers the Manx NFU are doing everything we can to keep them safe whilst protecting our islands local food supply.
Request for members of the public;
To continue reading January 2021 when exercising please do not cross farmyards past milking parlours or other farm buildings. please click here

The new rules come into effect 00:01 on the 7th January 2021 initially for a period of 21 days.
Your Manx NFU have been reviewing Government advice and the affairs of industry in our neighbouring jurisdictions to try and ascertain what is the best advice to be offering to our members and the wider agricultural sector, we have sent this email ...
To continue reading Covid 19 update 6th January 2021 please click here

The announcement that a trade deal between the UK and the EU has been agreed just days before the end of the transition period is a great relief.
Since the EU referendum four-and-a-half years ago, MNFU has been resolute in its belief that a ‘no deal’, and the introduction of tariffs on key agricultural products would have been a disaster ...
To continue reading EU Trade deal please click here

If you are looking for a farm in your area to host a school visit please get in touch with the Manx NFU office who can help facilitate this by putting you in touch with the right farm in the right place that meets the needs of your learning requirements.
Currently some farms charge a nominal fee to cover the labour costs of a school visits but this will change ...
To continue reading Farm visits for schools and groups of all ages. please click here

Job advertisement; posted 14th September 2020
Closing date for applications 1st October 2020 – all applicants will be notified of progress after this date.
Membership Secretary/Administrative Assistant to the Manx NFU.
Salary negotiable.
Applications to be made by way of covering letter and CV emailed to If you have any further questions about the role please email or call 662204 and ask to speak to Andrew Cooper.
To continue reading The Manx NFU are hiring – membership secretary/administrative assistant – 16hrs per week. please click here

Do you want to know whats going on in the Manx countryside and find out what goes into producing Manx food?
Click here for our newsletter sign up page
We will send out regular emails updating you on upcoming farm tours, relevant issues affecting Manx agriculture and more.
There may still be diquat out on farm and to ensure everyone is aware of the current legislation we felt it appropriate to share the following information.
If anyone has purchased diquat recently or since the cut off date below they should return it to the supplier and ask for a refund.
Last year, the Chemicals Regulation Division of the Health and Safety Executive in ...
To continue reading Update for potato growers please click here

The Ian M Paton fund was created in 2019 by a legacy from the estate of the late Mr. Ian M Paton who died in 2016.
Mr. Paton was a keen supporter of manx agriculture and the Isle of Man; he was especially interested in supporting young farmers and all types of agricultural engineering.
Ian M Paton
Download the Ian M Paton full ...To continue reading I M Paton fund application page please click here

Its that time of year, no school for the next 7 weeks and the children, grandchildren or even walkers with children could be passing through or ...
To continue reading Farm Safety advice – what a good farm looks like please click here

Manx National Farmers Union and the Manx Wildlife Trust came together today to sign a memorandum of understanding aiming to deliver better collaboration between the two organisations.
Andrew Cooper & Tim Johnston from MNFU with Viv Davies & Leigh Morris from MWT
MWT and the Manx National Farmers Union came together today to si
Manx Wildlife Trust ...
To continue reading Manx NFU and Manx Wildlife Trust memorandum of understanding please click here

Copy of the memorandum of understanding between the Manx NFU and Manx Telecom.
page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 Page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4
I can confirm the following arrangements for May’s farm plastic scheme:
Date Venue Opening times 7th & 8th May 2020 Kerrow Moar Croft, Lezayre 8:00 to 16:00 11th, 12th & 13th May 2020 DCS site Sunny Bank Foxdale 8:00 to 16:00
Also please ask them under the current circumstances to remain in their vehicle until instructed otherwise by site operatives and remind them Social Distancing applies at all times.
...To continue reading Plastic Scheme restarts in May please click here

Following on from recent events we have worked together to devise an advisory sign suitable for farm use.
The MNFU will be following it up with a press release and Insp Gavin Callow will cover it on social media.
It has been confirmed that removing or defacing signs is criminal damage.
The majority of people are acting responsibly in the countryside ...
To continue reading Covid-19 farm sign, be responsible on farmland. please click here

16th April 2020
Tim Johnston, President of the Manx National Farmers Union shares his thanks for people supporting Manx agriculture. Also thank you to the vast majority of people who are respectfully using public rights of way and not crossing through farmyards and farmsteads on route, and a thank you for supporting your local Manx food producers.
News Release – be safe around livestock|
Back story; 2 separate reports of this happening this week in separate locations. People walking through random fields to get to Curragh’s & people with dogs walking through a field to get from the road to the coastal footpath/Beach so they can avoid car parks.
Social distancing walkers are increasingly looking for new routes and ‘safer’ places to ...
To continue reading being safe around livestock| please click here

Health and safety on farm is always important. It saves lives. But now, in unprecedented times and with the children home from school, we need to be extra vigilant.
Children should not be allowed in the farm work place (and for young children they should enjoy outdoor space in a secure fenced area). Any access to the work area by children under 16, for example ...To continue reading Farm safety, pest management, mental health, dealing with self isolation & who will farm if you can’t? please click here

News Release
Manx NFU President asks government to close public rights of way across farmsteads to protect our local food supply.
The Manx NFU is working with our members’ concerns over public rights of way through farm businesses in light of social distancing measures imposed as a result of COVID-19. To help our farmers the Manx NFU are doing everything we can to keep them safe whilst in ...
To continue reading Manx NFU President calls for immediate closure of public rights of way across farmsteads please click here

We would like you to watch the video first.
updated 22nd March to include that Farmers are key workers which is great news, we will never be stopped from farming even if the rest of the island is on a curfew or house isolated. However if you have symptoms of an infected person or an infected person lives in your house or if you ...
To continue reading Self isolation what do i need to know. please click here

Your Manx NFU have been reviewing the Government advice that is currently available and the affairs of industry in our neighboring jurisdictions to try and ascertain what is the best advice to be offering to our members and the wider agricultural sector. We have sent this email to everyone on our mailing list.
The Manx NFU are here to support our industry and we will be supporting farmers through ...
To continue reading COVID – 19 please click here

Organisation has been lobbying government ahead of transition period
Countries producing food at standards considered illegal in the Isle of Man could gain access to the Manx market after Brexit.
That’s according to the Manx National Farmers Union ahead of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union tonight.
The body has been lobbying the Isle of Man to ensure a smooth transition for local farmers.
Andrew Cooper is the ...
To continue reading Manx Radio ahead of Brexit day please click here

Recently updated by DEFA to include a cap and ‘up to’ grant rates.
News Release
Friday 24th January 2020 12.45pm
incident happened at approximately 11.30am 24/01/2020.
Killer dogs on the loose – second reported attack in two days
A farmer in Lezayre came across the dogs attacking his sheep earlier today. He described the dogs as large springer type dogs, one was liver and white in colour with a red collar and the second dog was a darker colour possibly ...
To continue reading Press release – killer dogs on the loose please click here

News Release
21st of January 2020
In response to government receiving Professor Currans Climate Change ‘Impact’ report, Tim Johnston, President of the Manx NFU said;
“The Manx National Farmers Union has been clear with its position on Manx farming’s role in tackling climate change. Manx farmers are part of the solution, not part of the problem.
The Manx NFU do support the higher ambition pathway of reaching net ...
To continue reading MNFU President response to Tynwald accepting climate change report please click here

To continue reading 2020 plastic drop off dates please click here
Dear Manx NFU Member
Please see the above link to the ADS Consultation which closes on 9th April 2019. Please call the office on 662204 if you have any queries.
Manx NFU
Please find below the 2018 Plastics Collection and Drop Off points dates and times.
Please note that the collection points are for bale wrap and farm plastics only – wood, building materials, tyres or fallen stock (this has happened in the past!) will not be accepted and must disposed of using alternative methods.
Also, we have been asked to remind farmers to schedule drop offs as much as possible during ...
To continue reading the 2018 Plastics Collection and Drop Off Points please click here

Manx NFU Statement – The Isle of Man and United Kingdom are proven to have the highest levels of animal welfare across the whole of the EU. We refute any derogatory statements made in relation to the welfare of animals in transit when being shipped live to the United Kingdom.
Livestock travels for various reasons;
Sale and transfer of stock Breeding programs Slaughter – onward fattening To shows and events ...To continue reading Live export – press release please click here

The IOM College are running Diplomas in Agriculture and Environmental Conservation, details of which are below. Please contact Caroline Perry on 490488 or Paula Creer on 490267 who would be delighted to speak to you for an initial discussion if you would like further information or are interested in joining any of the courses.
Diplomas in Agriculture and Environmental Conservation by Paula Creer, Alan Radcliffe and Caroline Perry at ...
To continue reading INTERESTED IN AGRICULTURE? LEAVING SCHOOL? please click here

The Isle of Man College are now running pesticides courses. If any Member is interested in attending a course please contact Carole Collister via the email below for further information on what is available.
There was a very special event on the Manx National Farmers’ Union stand at the 2014 Royal Manx Agriculture Show, when previous President, renowned farmer, local radio personality and lay preacher, John Kennaugh was presented with a life membership of the Manx NFU by current President, Brian Brumby. Brian paid tribute not only to John’s significant contribution to the MNFU during his 10 year Presidency but also his contribution to ...
To continue reading Past President and Local Farming Ambassador Honoured please click here

The MNFU would like to remind everyone that at this time of year that there are many cows with their calves out in the fields. It is essential that you must never walk in fields with cows and calves. The mothers are very protective of their calves and can become quite aggressive. Please stick to designated footpaths and keep dogs on leads near any livestock whether cows or sheep. If ...
To continue reading COWS AND CALVES please click here

The Spring and Summer is an incredibly busy time out in the Manx countryside but also very exciting with lots of new arrivals and the promise of crops to come.
Please remember if you are out enjoying the beautiful weather and countryside to keep your dogs under control – they can seriously kill and injure lambs and sheep, also be aware that cows with young calves can be very protective ...
To continue reading Countryside Code please click here

Please see the link to the Manx Farming Matters Facebook page:
If you have any questions on this Facebook page please contact the office.
The Manx NFU is backing farmers on the Island who have been experiencing problems with dogs worrying sheep and other livestock.
Under current Manx law, The Dog Act, allows farmers the right to shoot on sight any dog that is attacking or worrying livestock. However, many farmers are reluctant to do this and in many cases they find the evidence after the event rather than catch the culprit in the ...
To continue reading Dog owners warned to keep their pets under control please click here

The MNFU have received a copy of the revised Health & Safety in Agriculture (second edition published 2013) document and is available to down load from here: