What does the Manx NFU do?
We provide information and advice for members from all sectors of farming: dairy, arable, sheep, beef, pigs, poultry, vegetable, bio-fuel, organic and conventional
We lobby to ensure the farmers’ voice is heard at the heart of government, both in the Isle of Man and across the UK and Europe.
We raise awareness of Manx food and farming through the news & media.
We foster links between Manx farmers and other organisations such as the Young Farmers, Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group, MEA, IOM Water Authority, processors, supermarkets, IOM Farmers’ Markets etc.
We negotiate prices and support levels on behalf of farmers.
Issues currently affecting Manx Agriculture and Manx NFU policies and principles:
The need to encourage new entrants and young farmers in to Manx agriculture.
The Manx NFU strongly supports the introduction of a clear food labelling system to enable consumers to more easily identify local products and support local producers. We must develop a clear Manx brand, based on the things we do well and which offer us a unique selling point.
Encouraging a diverse agricultural industry which not only produces food and fuel but also manages our environment for the benefit of residents and tourists.