Countryside Code - Easter 2014

The Spring and Summer is an incredibly busy time out in the Manx countryside but also very exciting with lots of new arrivals and the promise of crops to come.

Please remember if you are out enjoying the beautiful weather and countryside to keep your dogs under control – they can seriously kill and injure lambs and sheep, also be aware that cows with young calves can be very protective …

To continue reading Countryside Code please click here


Please see the link to the Manx Farming Matters Facebook page:

If you have any questions on this Facebook page please contact the office.


Dog owners warned to keep their pets under control

The Manx NFU is backing farmers on the Island who have been experiencing problems with dogs worrying sheep and other livestock.

Under current Manx law, The Dog Act, allows farmers the right to shoot on sight any dog that is attacking or worrying livestock. However, many farmers are reluctant to do this and in many cases they find the evidence after the event rather than catch the culprit in the …

To continue reading Dog owners warned to keep their pets under control please click here

Health & Safety in Agriculture

The MNFU have received a copy of the revised Health & Safety in Agriculture (second edition published 2013) document and is available to down load from here:

guide to health and safety in agriculture